Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fall, Halloween, Orange, & More!

Coloring our fall acorn (after singing "I'm a Nut" together, of course!)
I added white glue to the top of the acorn & spread it out & then she sprinkled used coffee grounds (dried) over it.  We shook the excess off and allowed it to dry (while Mama cleaned up the inevitable mess!)!

The finished product is really cool looking & turned out better than expected!  It almost looks like velvet & doubles as a sun catcher when displayed up on the window!  When Haddy saw it, she said, "cool!"
Cc is for Candy Corn!  We made this using cut up pieces (triangles for the shape of the month!) of paint samples! You could easily use construction paper, but I love the color effect that the paint samples give it, plus I have a million of them to experiment with!
Here is Hadley proudly displaying her work!  I have a huge stack of paint samples from my dad (hardware store manager). He told me that about once a month, they take the paint sample from the front of the stack out and (usually) throw it away, to counteract fading in the samples over time...I foresee many creative uses for paint sample crafts in our future!
The finished product!
Handprint ghosts for Halloween!

Haddy's been obsessed with the moon lately, but we haven't been able to see it because it's been cloudy, so Haddy's making a cloudy moon scene for the letter Cc!
Cc is for cookie!  Inspired by her recent love of tea parties, we played a quick memory game to see if Hadley could remember which tea cup I had hidden the cookie under!
We also made Honey Peanut Butter No-Bake cookies together (for Cc)!  Recipe found here!  We read "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" while they were setting up!
We also mixed up some orange "cloud" shaving cream for a sensory activity.  H is afraid of shaving cream (I think she doesn't like the way it moves) as far as touching it goes, so for now, we'll stick with the bag mixing technique!
Mix away, little one!

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